While Q Anon interpretations suggest that the Deep State is about to be taken down and that the envelopes at the funeral of President George H. Bush are some kind of summons/indictment/subpoena and that Jeb Bush and Laura and W. And Hillary and the Obamas and the Bidens are all mortified to receive their. President George H.W. Bush was laid to rest in a state funeral in Washington DC on Wednesday George W. Bush, gave a moving eulogy and broke into sobs as he called him 'the best father a son can have'.
After Hillary Clinton opened her program brochure at George H.W. Bush’s funeral, an envelope fell into her lap.
Former President Jimmy Carter, who was sitting to Clinton’s left, can be seen looking over at her and then checking if he got one too. He didn’t.
What was in that envelope?
Another video posted by The Washington Pundit shows Jeb Bush smiling with his hand over his heart, but quickly getting irritated after Laura Bush showed him something she was holding:
Jeb Bush’s smile was quickly taken away as Laura Bush shows him something on the paper she was holding. He looks horrified at whatever he saw. pic.twitter.com/rWqGMNgzat
— The Washington Pundit © (@TWPundit) December 6, 2018
Better angle:
Here’s an interesting observation – While GHWB’s casket is being carried past the family, this secret service agent appears to lean over towards George W. Bush:

Some think the agent may have passed a note to him. Bush then supposedly gave it to his wife, Laura, and she showed it to Jeb.

Click here to watch an HD version of the interaction.
UPDATE #1: It appears former Vice President Joe Biden ALSO received a similar looking envelope (h/t scotthebruce2):
Video (skip to 1:33):
UPDATE #4: Wow! The Obamas got an envelope too. Notice Barack and Michelle’s facial expressions after seeing it (h/t balammb):
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UPDATE #6: In a recent interview, Michelle Obama said “we can’t get indicted.” Maybe these mystery envelopes are telling the recipients otherwise?
Image and Video Credits: ABC News, Daily Mail, YouTube, C-SPAN, 4chan, 8chanBush 41 Funeral Envelope Passed
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While some speculation has ensued , we 've been asked what the notes might have said , or what mesage did they deliver . Most people are of theopinion that they weren't well received , but caused visible consternation among them all .
So without going too far into explaining everything about the circumstances , here's theory backed with several minutes of freely availablecircumstantial evidence in video form , for this theory :
The envelopes may have been addressed , possibly to 'The Mothers of Darkness' and within the note within may have been marked 'A thousand points oflight' .
This note may have been left with them for discovery, by Trump . This may be because he has knowledge of Bush Snr . and hence the recipients', involvements with The Mothers of Darkness Castle in Belgium , linking him and all of them to the Dutreux affair , Satanism , child hunting and childsacrifice , trafficking and everything that goes with it .
In the castle which Bush is known to have visited(?) there is a room with a dome which has a thousand lights, apparently used to perform satanicrituals . Bush is known to have repeated the phrase A thousand points of light several times rather cryptically in speeches , and this is the killerline , Trump is known to have questioned this cryptic saying during one of his rallies. This video detailing exactly these facts was releasedon 24th October 2018 , soon enough before the funeral of Bush sr
Watch the whole thing but pay careful attention now to point 13.00 on and especially point 15.25
Rip the theory apart , but here we've seen some evidence for it , make of it what you will .
Mystery Envelopes At Bush 41 Funeral